Data Story

Data Story #

Australia’s Reliance on Mining #

November 2023

This project focused on exploring data and research available online to explore a topic of interest. The main goal was to develop my data visualisation and communication skills.

LinkedIn Post

We don’t know how long our minerals will last for, so why are 60% of our exports from mining?

This is a data story looking into the future of the Australian mining industry and how sustainable it is. As part of my COMM2501 project, I delved into how the industry affects both the economy and environment as well as how action should be taken to prepare Australia for the future.

My name is Connor Schicht, and I am a UNSW student studying Actuarial Studies and Computer Science. Throughout this project, I have developed many skills in data visualisation and communication but have also improved my ability to source and implement feedback in my work. Some of this feedback included making sure to consider the perspective of the audience when writing or creating as well as focusing on not adding unnecessary information.

Technology Utilised: Tableau, Excel, Microsoft Powerpoint